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From Boring to Brilliant: 10 Tips for Crafting Employee Training Courses That Stick

Posted on October 3, 2024

You’ve been tasked with writing a digital employee training course. Maybe you’ve done this before, maybe you’re thinking, “Where on earth do I start?” Either way, writing training courses that are both informative and fun is no small feat.

In this blog article, we give you 10 sizzling tips that will help you write effective training courses that grab attention, keep your learners engaged, and — most importantly — help them crush it on the floor.

1. Start with your audience, not your product

Before you touch the keyboard, ask yourself, “Who am I writing for?” Are your learners seasoned pros or are they fresh out of onboarding? The more you know about them, the better you can tailor the content to their needs. In other words, imagine walking in their shoes for a minute: What do they want to know? What will help them? 

Tip: Use the power of empathy. The best way to connect with your users is by showing them that you understand their job, their needs, and their daily situations.

2. Don’t teach, tell stories

Nobody loves a dry list of facts. But a story? That gets attention! Think about how you can weave your product’s features into real-life scenarios your learners face every day. Effective training courses benefit greatly from storytelling, as it helps make the content both memorable and relatable. 

For example, instead of listing out tech specs of your product, tell your learners how the product saved a customer’s day.  

3. Keep it snappy and make each word earn its spot

When writing training content, less is more. You want to get to the point quickly without drowning them in details. Therefore, use short sentences, and direct language, and make sure every word works hard for its place. In addition, effective training courses ensure that every word serves a purpose, making the content easy to digest and impactful.

Example: “This product is fast. We’re talking blink-and-you-miss-it fast. That means less waiting time for customers and more sales for you.”

4. Mix up your sentence length

If every sentence is short and sharp, it feels robotic. On the flip side, too many long sentences can leave your readers gasping for breath. Balance is key. A short punchy sentence, followed by a longer, more flowing one, helps keep your reader engaged and on their toes. 

Think of your writing like a song: give it rhythm!

5. Always answer the “What’s in it for me?” question

This is the question at the back of everyone’s mind. If they can’t see how your course helps them, they’ll check out mentally. Every piece of info should answer this question. How will this help them? How does it make their job easier or more fun? Ultimately, effective training courses clearly communicate benefits to keep learners engaged and motivated.

Hint: When your learner knows exactly how this knowledge boosts their success, they’ll pay closer attention.

6. Use analogies to make complex ideas simple

Got a tricky concept or product feature that’s tough to explain? Use metaphors or analogies to make it crystal clear. It’s much easier to grasp complex ideas when they’re connected to something familiar.

For instance, “Think of this new system as the Swiss Army knife of sales tools. It has everything you need, all in one place, ready to help you tackle any customer question.” 

7. Talk like you’re in the break-room

Nobody wants to be lectured. Digital training should feel like a conversation with a colleague, not a corporate monologue. Therefore, write the way you’d speak to someone over a coffee break. Effective training courses have a friendly, conversational tone that makes learning feel natural and approachable.

Tip: Keep it casual and engaging, and don’t be afraid to crack a smile or two.

8. Ask questions to keep your users thinking

Questions help keep your learners mentally active. They’re not just sitting back reading passively; they’re participating. Use rhetorical questions to invite reflection, and don’t be afraid to use our different question formats! 

Example: “How would you pitch this feature to a customer?” Or, “What do you think is the key selling point here?”

9. Use visuals and examples (but explain them)

Visuals are your best friends! Whether it’s a diagram, a product photo, or a quick gif—these can break up the text and make things clearer. But don’t forget to explain them. Just slapping a photo next to your content won’t help unless you connect the dots for the learner. 

Tip: Think of visuals like the seasoning to your meal—they make everything better when sprinkled in the right places.

10. Test, tweak, and try again

Your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. Get feedback, try new things, and don’t be afraid to tweak. What works for one product may not work for another. Stay flexible, just like we do at MobieTrain. You’ll get better with every course you write, and soon you’ll be a pro. 

Bonus tip: keep it human!

We believe in the power of the human touch. Make sure your writing feels human, not robotic. In other words, be yourself. Inject your personality into the training courses. You’re the expert on your company’s products, and no one can explain them better than you! 

And there you have it! Armed with these tips, you’re ready to write engaging, snappy, and downright useful digital training courses that help your team not only learn but thrive. You want more?

These 10 essential writing tips will help you sharpen your skills and create impactful microlearning experiences that linger.

Now, it’s your turn. What’s your next training course going to look like? Happy writing! 🎉

You need help writing your training content? Let’s have a chat together: