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10 Golden Rules Every Writer Needs to Know

Posted on October 3, 2024

Struggling to find the right words? You’re not alone. Creating digital training courses that stick starts with great writing. How you write can make or break learner engagement. So, what’s the secret to writing that truly connects with readers? It’s simpler than you think.

In this post, we’ll explore 10 essential writing tips that will help you sharpen your skills and create impactful microlearning experiences that leave a lasting impression. Let’s dive in!

1. Keep your reader in mind

The core of all writing tips!

Before you start writing, ask yourself: who are you writing for? It’s not about what you want to tell them about your product, company, or topic. It’s about what they need to know. What problems do they face? What questions are they looking to answer?

Consider their level of understanding. Are they new to the topic? If so, keep your language simple and explanations clear. If they’re experts, you can skip the basics and dive deeper.

Pro tip: When writing a training course, think of one specific coworker. Picture them in your mind and write as if you’re talking directly to them. Make it personal. Use phrases like “Hey you! Yes, you! or Glad you’re here!

This creates a connection and makes the learning experience feel more engaging and less robotic.

2. Start with a strong opener

Grabbing attention right from the start is crucial. You want your learners to feel an instant connection. One of the best ways to do this? Start with a relatable problem. Take, for example, this intro for a training course on ‘putting things into perspective’: 

“Ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? You spill coffee on your favorite shirt, miss the bus, and realize your big presentation is due today instead of next week. Sound familiar? In moments like these, it’s easy to feel like the world is against you. But what if you could step back and put things into perspective? Let’s explore how shifting your viewpoint can transform your day!”

By starting with a scenario your audience recognises, you create an instant bond. They know you get what they’re going through, and that makes them more likely to keep reading.

Another great way to hook your audience is with a fun fact. Try something like: Did you know that learners forget 70% of new information within 24 hours? But with microlearning, retention rates can soar. 

Sharing a surprising stat or fact immediately draws your reader in and makes them curious to learn more.

3. Write fresh & modern

Keep your language fresh and modern. Avoid outdated or formal words that sound stiff. Today’s readers, especially in microlearning, expect content that feels conversational and easy to understand.

For example, instead of using words like nevertheless or “therefore, try using more natural alternatives like but still or so“. 

This helps your writing feel more relatable and less like a textbook.

The goal is to make your content feel modern and approachable — something readers would actually say in real life. When your writing feels like a natural conversation, your learners are more likely to stay engaged.

4. Write actively

Next on our list of essential writing tips is to write actively, not passively. Active voice keeps your content clear, direct, and engaging — just what you need for microlearning. 

For example, instead of saying, “Your website is maintained by us“, go for the more direct, We maintain your website.” 

It’s faster to read, easier to understand, and keeps the focus on action.

Also, stick to the present tense whenever possible because it feels more immediate and relevant to your readers. Instead of saying, “Our company has always strived for excellence”, try “At (company), we strive for excellence.” 

Whether it’s an introduction like Today, we’re diving into… or an interactive phrase like Quiz time!“, the present tense makes your writing feel more alive and engaging.

5. Write dynamically

When it comes to writing tips, creating a dynamic flow in your content is crucial for keeping readers engaged. One effective way to achieve this is by alternating between short and long sentences. 

Varying your sentence lengths creates rhythm and excitement in your text. Start with a longer sentence, follow it with a short, punchy one, and then alternate again. This pattern adds energy to your writing and keeps readers on their toes.

Using question statements is another powerful technique to spark interest. Questions engage the mind and invite readers to reflect. They draw readers into the conversation, making them feel more involved in the content.

Also, address your audience directly by using words like “you” and “your”. This personalises your writing and fosters a connection with your readers.

And don’t forget to keep the tone positive and exciting! Try phrases like, Are you ready? Of course, you are! You were born ready!” 

If you’re excited about your training, your readers will be too.

A powerful example could be: Our mission? To make learning accessible and engaging. And you’re part of this mission. Ready to dive in? Let’s go! 

This approach is far more engaging than a dry statement like, “The mission of our company is…

6. Keep it short & simple (KISS)

One of the most effective writing tips for microlearning is to embrace the KISS principle: Keep It Short & Simple. Your readers are looking for quick, digestible content. Avoid complex words and jargonWrite as if you’re having a casual conversation at the kitchen table. Nobody talks like this during lunch: On the one hand…” or “Nevertheless…

Use short sentences. Stick to the formula: subject – verb – object. For example, The team finished the project. It’s clear and easy to understand. Compare that to: “The team, who has been working together for many years, finished the project.“ It’s unnecessarily long and harder to digest.

Don’t be afraid to split longer sentences. For instance: “At (company), we strive for happy customers. And that’s why we need you! To deliver excellent service. This is much better than a long-winded version: At (company), we strive for happy customers and that’s why we need you, because you are the one who delivers excellent service.

Also, don’t be vague. For example: “There are many students in the classroom who are working on various tasks.”

And avoid unnecessary words. Ask yourself: Is this word useful in this sentence? For example, “We’re very customer-oriented” or “Dealing with unhappy customers is often not easy”, or “X is quite similar to Y”, etc.

7. Use synonyms 

Use synonyms to keep your content fresh and engaging. Nobody likes reading the same word over and over — it’s like listening to a parrot repeat itself!

For instance, instead of saying “improve” repeatedly, you can use words like “enhance”, “boost”, or “upgrade”. This not only keeps your writing interesting but also shows your versatility as a writer.

When you notice that you’ve used a word too many times, take a moment to find a synonym. This will help maintain your readers’ interest and make your writing flow more smoothly.

8. Use metaphors 

Another powerful tip is to use metaphors to make complex ideas more understandable. By comparing a situation to something familiar, you can help your readers grasp difficult concepts with ease.

For example, you might say, Navigating through this training course is like climbing a mountain. It may seem daunting at first, but with each step, you gain confidence and clarity. 

This metaphor not only illustrates the learning journey but also makes it relatable and less intimidating.

Metaphors can turn abstract concepts into vivid imagery. They engage your readers’ imaginations and help them connect with the material on a deeper level. So, don’t hesitate to sprinkle in some creative comparisons to clarify your points!

9. What’s in it for me? 

When writing, always focus on the reader’s perspective. Instead of saying, We give you tips”, flip the script: “You get tips and tricks for a smooth start at our company.” This small shift puts the focus on them, making your message more engaging.

Avoid dull intros like, Welcome to this training course about Salesforce.” 

Instead, spark interest right away by focusing on what they’ll gain. Try phrases like, “Salesforce is here to make your job easier!” or “This training is your secret weapon for success!” 

These highlight the benefits and immediately draw the reader in.

By emphasizing what’s in it for them, you create excitement and motivate your audience to dive in. Everyone loves to know how something can make their life easier or help them succeed. Remember, it’s all about making it relevant to them!

10. Engage the eye

The final tip is to remember that visuals matter. Your readers’ eyes need something appealing to hold their attention. Start by emphasizing important words by making them bold. This allows readers to scan the text and quickly grasp the key points. 

Use bullet points or lists to break up text and make information more digestible. This format is perfect for outlining steps, tips, or key takeaways. 

Speaking of visuals, don’t underestimate their power! Images, infographics, or diagrams can enhance understanding and retention. They not only make your content more engaging but also help illustrate complex concepts. So, ensure your training materials are visually appealing to create a richer learning experience!

By following these 10 essential writing tips, you’ll create more engaging, memorable, and impactful digital training courses. Happy writing! Need more inspiration, tips, and tricks on copywriting? This book (in Dutch) was a great source of inspiration for this article!

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